Ok I'm back with a few thoughts. I've been on a quest (ok thinking about it) to get more organized and I've come across some great blogs with neat ideas but I've having trouble executing. I have made some progress. I did a BIG book purge two weeks ago. Why was it big because I got rid of 52 books yep 52 and I could have added another 10-15 to the pile but I may eventually read them so I didn't want to get rid of all of them. Another thing I did was clean off the love seat in my office room that is actually a bedroom. I put some of those cute cubes (6) in the closet and put some of my printing and craft stuff in there since that's what was covering my sofa. It looks kind of neat but it could use some work. I got hooked on buying photo albums so one cute is stuffed with photo albums and pictures that I'm not sure I want to put in the album. I have also started throwing away a TON of papers (I guess I'm a paper hog as well as book hog). Ok I'm rambling back to what I started. I read an interesting article today about setting goals and one of the steps was to write down your goals and give yourself due dates so I'm going to write down some of the goals I want to accomplish and post it later so I can remind myself. Iknow they are going to be related to losing weight, exercising, getting organized, and learning how to truely be happy. You would think that last one would be easy but I find it kind of hard. Here is picture of a layout I did about happiness. Well that's all I have for now...back in the throw away mood.