Saturday, January 13, 2007

What's your accent?

I did a neat little quiz today and I was surprised my the results because they were right.

Here are the results
What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The South

That's a Southern accent you've got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you don't have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it.

The Midland
The Northeast
The Inland North
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

I was surprised because I am actually from the South...Louisiana to be exact and while I don't really think I have an accent most of the time other people say they hear it loud and clear.

After doing that quiz I just had to do the next one...How Louisiana Are You. Here are the results from that one

How Louisiana Are You
Your Result: Total Louisiana

You really know where the party's at! You're familiar with the standards, such as Mardi Gras and Crawfish, but you also know the finer details of Louisiana Livin.

Some Louisiana
No Louisiana
How Louisiana Are You
Quizzes for MySpace

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ok I'm back with a few thoughts. I've been on a quest (ok thinking about it) to get more organized and I've come across some great blogs with neat ideas but I've having trouble executing. I have made some progress. I did a BIG book purge two weeks ago. Why was it big because I got rid of 52 books yep 52 and I could have added another 10-15 to the pile but I may eventually read them so I didn't want to get rid of all of them. Another thing I did was clean off the love seat in my office room that is actually a bedroom. I put some of those cute cubes (6) in the closet and put some of my printing and craft stuff in there since that's what was covering my sofa. It looks kind of neat but it could use some work. I got hooked on buying photo albums so one cute is stuffed with photo albums and pictures that I'm not sure I want to put in the album. I have also started throwing away a TON of papers (I guess I'm a paper hog as well as book hog). Ok I'm rambling back to what I started. I read an interesting article today about setting goals and one of the steps was to write down your goals and give yourself due dates so I'm going to write down some of the goals I want to accomplish and post it later so I can remind myself. Iknow they are going to be related to losing weight, exercising, getting organized, and learning how to truely be happy. You would think that last one would be easy but I find it kind of hard. Here is picture of a layout I did about happiness. Well that's all I have for now...back in the throw away mood.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I know I haven't been around (talking like people actually read this but I know no one is). This is just my personal space to saw whatever. I haven't been doing too good on the weight loss thing can we say self sabatoge and I have no idea why. I am doing good on the exercise front though and on getting organized. I now walk 3 mile at least 5 days a week and I'm slowly increasing the distance.

Friday, June 23, 2006

What's First

Back to the things I want to change and new things I want to learn. May as well get the changes out of the way first…at the top of my list and I'm sure a lot of other people's list is to lose weight.

I had great success two years ago I started the South Beach Diet and went down from a comfortable 20 to a 13 (ok a loose 14 never quite got in the 12s). I stayed there with that last 15 lbs to lose for a year and a half then last year after our wedding I decided to lift all restrictions from myself not thinking I would relapse as much as I did. We had two receptions one in August and another in October luckily for me my dress still fit in October. Then right before Thanksgiving we went to Vegas and I decided to eat whatever I wanted let's just say Cheesecake Factory and great food...big mistake. Then I said I'll get back on track after a month because it was the holidays. Let's just say I'm still not completely back on track and I can't make myself stay on Phase 1 which is really ticking me off. The first go around I had no problems whatsoever following the plan now if I get 1 day in I'm doing the jig, if only I could do more than one day at time.

I've come up with ways to motivate myself but life just keeps getting in the way…another bad thing because we don’t even have kids yet.

I think no I know I'm getting back on the right track and will restart Phase 1 and stick to it starting Sunday. What makes me say this…the unthinkable a really good look at myself in the mirror not as bad as the 360 on "
What Not to Wear" on TLC but close enough for me. I HATED what I saw and I am so disappointed in myself but I've done it before and I'll do it again.

Well that's enough for now. The next thing I'll talk about is trying something new…like a new attitude on life.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

My first blog

Hi all,

This is my very first post in my very first blog. I often wonder why people create blogs and after reading a couple of them I think I figured it out. I have my own reason for starting one. I am on a journey to new things, new hobbies, new ways of thinking, and hopefully a new me in a way. I want to change things about myself that I don't particularly like and hopefully I can help others through my process.

I'll write more later.